Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Too good...

Really liked this cartoon ... what do u think ??


  1. i really dont think its true!!!!!!!!! reasons being
    1) India does not import food from the US
    2) Americans are really concerned about their figure ...so they seldom tend to become obesse unless they have some bodily disorder.
    3) The rich and filthy indians are the who really dont feed the poor and needy indians
    so why complain others when the villain is just round the corner??????????

  2. @ headcase -
    "Americans are really concerned about their figure ...so they seldom tend to become obesse unless they have some bodily disorder." Dude, nearly forty percent of America IS Obesse. They care about their figure, but that doesn't stop them from being the one nation with the maximum amount of obesity. The Americans you are talking about comprise maybe five to ten percent of the population. google it up someday. Americans are the most Obese race.
