Wednesday, March 19, 2008


It would have been a regular day at the office had it not been for just one statement of mine. Everything was going well, work was a waste as usual and most of our time went in criticizing our work. But this one statement of mine changed the course of our discussion all together.
This simple yet complex statement of mine is as follows:
“Is it all about the money? “
This seemingly straightforward statement sparked off a major debate at the lunch table. I wont get into the intricacies of the discussion here but I shall delve into a few of the points discussed.

At first glance, in my opinion, most of us would say ‘NO’, it’s not all about the money. There is a greater good involved and money does not get you everything in life.
But there is another side to it .there were people on the lunch table whose first response was ‘YES’. I was a bit surprised at this. a general idea that I had was that whoever said yes to this was in general greedy and had his/her mind only on money. Such people obviously would do anything for money. Thus I had a very negative impression of “such people”.
On a bit of contemplation I think my opinion about “such people” is changing. Let’s have a look at the question again. “Is it all about the money?”

I by the way am 22 yrs old and work as a Software Engg. In a leading Indian IT firm. I have done my Engg. In Chemical background. So why software? Why not a chemical job? Am I not as vain as the people that I have just now branded as greedy? This is one of the questions that I was asked when I very straightforwardly and matter of factly said ‘NO’, it’s not all about the money.

My answer to ‘why Software? ‘was that I wanted to gain experience, which by the way is partially true. The discussion got over after sometime and I stayed very staunchly onto my stance on this topic. As I reached home I kept on pondering over this question almost the entire day. Have I come here only for the experience? Don’t I want to earn money? Would I have been happy in an internship (non-paying) providing an excellent opportunity to learn? Doesn’t it make me happy to earn money and don’t I keep wondering when I will earn more? Isn’t everything driven by money?

And then comes the eternal question
“Can money get me happiness?”
Now, I am getting too deep I know, but let’s not look at this as a cliché. Let’s look at it practically. Money can get us our materialistic needs for sure. I think no one would have a problem with this statement at least.
But are materialistic gains all that we crave for, isn’t there a larger outlook to life. What about satisfaction?
Can money buy me satisfaction?
The answer to this question would vary individually depending on how we define our aim’s in life to be. But what can be said for sure is that the richest man in this world need not necessarily be the most satisfied man in this world.
On the other hand, looking at this question very simply, yes money an get me satisfaction at least for now . with money I can buy the best in class cell phones, iPod’s , a bike , a car etc. etc………… basically anything that you desire.
Isn’t that what all of us want. These things have become kind of the basic necessities of our day today lives. So for purchasing all these things, I need money. And all these things make me happy and hence satisfied. SO, POINT PROVED.
Here comes the catch. All these requirements of ours, cell phones, iPod’s, motor vehicles etc... , are they not needs of our own creation. Haven’t our parents lived without all of these so called necessities? Yes, these equipments have made our life a bit easier, but they are a nuisance in themselves. Let us not get into the discussion of pros and cons of these necessities.
All I want to say is that we are the ones who create these necessities for ourselves. If we don’t have the money, then buying a high end phone will not be a necessity. We will make do with an average phone. So even after making more money we will never be satisfied, we shall keep looking for things out of our reach and try and obtain them and these things shall be very easily branded as necessities. So, according to me, this thirst of money or greed as is called generally will keep on increasing and one shall never be satisfied.

So what does this mean for us, that we shouldn’t earn money and live a saint like life. No I do not advocate that.
Live your life to the fullest. Live it happily. Live it well. Always yearn for more but never be dissatisfied with whatever you have now. Spend your money judiciously irrespective of how much ever money you earn because it will always be less than what your necessities will require.


  1. hi dude i knew u gettin in to a soft. company wud ponder over this question one day ...... not coz you took ne wrong decisions but coz ppl talk !!!

    well as far as money is concerned it depends, personally position means more to me ... but it goes without saying that normally money comes with position.. not vice versa. i firmly believe money matters only upto a certain point in life (read maturity) but i hav not been there so wont elaborate, however there should be no harm in taking care of your needs unless u hurt others........... and as i said ppl talk, so dont think much.

  2. Idiot!!!! stop thinking so much... by the way since when did you start batoing gyan???? been drinking sprite or what?? he he he..... Miss your idiot comments sometimes!!
    and write something more than gyan on this blog... take inspiration from mine!! :)
